Adrian's Cooking Help



  • 1 green bell pepper

  • 1 large white onion

  • 1–2 stalks of celery

  • 2 cloves garlic

  • 2 Andouille sausages

  • 400g chicken meat

  • 1 l broth

  • 2 bay leaves

  • 150 g ocra

  • Ground paprika

  • freshly ground black pepper

  • cayenne pepper

  • dried thyme

  • dried oregano


  1. Mince bell pepper, onion, celery and garlic; cut Okra in 1/2 cm slices.

    • set aside, keep the garlic separated

  2. Slice Andouille sausage ½ cm, fry nicely in a Dutch oven pan

  3. Cut chicken into rough pieces and marinade with ground paprika, black pepper and cayenne powder

  4. Fry chicken in the same Dutch oven pan as the sausage until nicely golden brown; remove from pan

  5. Fry bell pepper, onion, celery, okra; add garlic a bit later. Add dried thyme and oregano as well as the remainder of the chicken marinade powder

  6. In the now cleaned Dutch oven pan, make the roux.


Last modified: 07 August 2024