Adrian's Cooking Help

Mexican Black Beans


  • I use ⅔ of a cup dried black beans for two side portions

  • 1 tsp dried Mexican oregano

  • 1–2 thyme leaves

  • clove of garlic

  • A generous dash each of ground…

    • Paprika

    • Smoked Paprika

    • Cayenne pepper

    • Cumin

    • Salt

    • Pepper


  1. In a saucepan, add beans and generously cover in water, about 1–2 inches

  2. While bringing to a boil, add all the seasoning

  3. When boiling, kill heat to low (2/9) and put on lid

  4. peek-a-boo from time to time, stir, and make sure the sauce is bubbling gently. Adjust heat accordingly.

  5. Wait until beans are soft to taste: you can also feel this while stirring. This might take 1 hour to 3+ depending on the nature of the beans.

Last modified: 02 September 2024